
Deskconnect stock
Deskconnect stock

deskconnect stock

Well, Yeraze, thanks to AriX, this should be extremely easy Nice reverse engineering of our bookmarklet system Hoping to get some time soon to work on more cool ways to integrate DeskConnect into other apps. Nice reverse engineering of our bookmarklet system Edited Novemby AriXĬan't wait to hear what you come up with, I'm a big fan of Alfred. The updated DeskConnect app, version 1.1, should be available on the App Store this week!Ĭan't wait to hear what you come up with, I'm a big fan of Alfred. deskconnect-tel://1800MYAPPLE) to make sure that the DeskConnect app is the one handling the call. Note that it is possible that another app on your system might have already registered tel:, so the next release of DeskConnect adds a "deskconnect-tel" scheme (i.e.

deskconnect stock

Tell application "DeskConnect" to send URL "" to (the device named "Ari's iPhone")ĭeskConnect registers the tel: scheme, so you can open a url like tel://1800MYAPPLE on your Mac to initiate the call on your iPhone. You can also send files and URLs this way! Tell application "DeskConnect" to call "1-800-MY-APPLE" It's pretty simple to start a call with AppleScript: The app is free on the App Store if you want to try it out.ĭeveloper of DeskConnect here! DeskConnect supports both AppleScript and URL schemes. Var h=document.getElementsByTagName("head") After urldecoding it, it looks like this: They have a bookmarklet that I use on my iPhone that references with some special API keys for authentication. Running it from the commandline "/Applications/DeskConnect.app/Contents/MacOS/DeskConnect " just launches the app.

#Deskconnect stock how to#

It's registered as a Service in my Service Preferences window (Call with DeskConnect), but I don't know how to get any details. How do you tell it to dial with DeskConnect? Some form of API? URI Scheme? If you could share a few more details with me, I'd be happy to help you work this out.

Deskconnect stock